6450 Silos View, San Antonio, TX 78252
The next Vendor Market will be held in the spring of 2025. If you would like to be notified when registration opens, please click the link at the bottom of the page to fill out our contact form.
Silos is a fully built out community of 1,400 homes. For this market, we're hoping to host a variety of local exhibitors that will display an array of quality merchandise or services to our residents and visitors.
This is a great, super low-cost marketing opportunity to get your company's name and product into the hands of new customers at easy and fun event!
The market will include inflatables and games for the kids, food trucks, and live music at the DJ booth from Bear With Me.
Please read through the information below,
and click the link at the bottom of the page
to fill out the registration form.
All vendors will be required to sign a vendor contract and make booth payment prior to final acceptance.
What we are looking for (typical Farmer's Market/Vendor Market Items, etc.)
- Handcrafted goods
- Food vendors: Jams, jellies, baked goods, fruits and vegetables/farm goods, etc.
- Unique Items
- Vintage / reclaimed
- Boutique items/clothing
- Hand-crafted
- Homeowner-related industries (solar, water softeners, landscaping, fencing, etc.)
What we are not looking for:
- Garage sale items/junk
- Food Trucks: We will typically book 2-3 food trucks for the markets. If you are a food truck and are interested in participating in our year-round Lifestyle Events, please click the link below to add yourself to our Food Truck Vendor List.
If you have any questions, please contact Ben Junot, Silos Lifestyle Director, at
If approved, a vendor contract will be sent to your email via Docusign after receiving your booth payment.
Booth spaces/types are not guaranteed, and are subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis via registration and booth payments made.
- GRASS - 10x10 - $15
- Merchandise and display of the vendor is subject to the approval of SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, which reserves the right to require alterations, replacements, deletions, or removal of any material or activity which is deemed as not appropriate.
- The event runs from 10AM-2PM. All vendors shall remain in their booths/table during the specified time and be setup no later than 9:45AM on the day of the event.
- The vendor elects to and does release SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, CCMC, LENNAR, and their respective officers, agents, and employees from any and all claims, demands, rights, or causes of action whatsoever kind or nature which the undersigned has ever had or may now have or may hereafter have, whether now known or unknown, foreseen or unforeseen, arising from or by reason of or any way connected with, any injuries, losses, damages, property damage or loss, or the results thereof, which heretofore has been even or hereafter may be sustained by the undersigned as a result of or in connection with or arising out of the undersigned participation in any SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION vendor market.
- The vendor will provide their own table, booth/tent, chairs, etc. This event takes place in a parking lot with little to no shade, so please keep that in mind when preparing for the event.
- Power will NOT be provided. If you need to power your booth, you will need to bring a portable generator.
- All booth materials must fit within the designated spaces provided by SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION.
- Due to the growing nature of our market, SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION currently will not be limiting the types of booths to only one vendor for our current upcoming market.
If deemed necessary, SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION does reserve the right to limit the number of types of vendor booths for the event to provide more variety of industries (Ex: Limiting the number of Scentsy vendors, candle vendors, solar companies, etc.) It is important that vendors only sell the products they signed up for.
- EXAMPLE: Limited to only one vendor who sells wreaths, or limited to only one vendor who sells jellies/jams.
- We will do our best to distance vendors selling similar items, but no guarantees will be made on booth placements.
- For the Fall 2024 Market and going forward, for the safety of our patrons and community:
- Cottage Food Vendors will be required to submit proof of a current/valid Texas Food Handler Card in order to be approved for participating in a market at Silos.
- Texas Food Handler Cards cost roughly $7-10 and require a two hour online training course.
- Texas Food Handler Cards can be obtained here:
- Cottage Food Vendors will be required to adhere by the Texas Health and Human Services Cottage Food Production policies listed here: .
- For the Fall 2024 Market and going forward, for the safety of our patrons and community:
- All tents are REQUIRED to meet the minimum tent weight requirements below.
- Please keep in mind, it is extremely windy at Silos, and tents can and will blow away. The tent weight requirement is to protect you and your business from any potential injuries or liabilities from tents blowing away and causing harm.
- Weight checks for each vendor will be performed prior to the event start.
- Recommended: 4 cinder blocks or 4 buckets with a bag of rocks inside paired with rope/bungee cords are inexpensive and portable options for tent weights.
- If using stake/rope in grass spaces, please include tying bright plastic ribbon to the ropes to mark potential trip/clotheslining hazards.
- Payments can be made via check or money order only. Silos staff does not have the ability to take cash, debit/credit cards, or app payments.
- Please wait for acceptance confirmation via email from the Lifestyle Director before making a payment.
- Check or money orders must be made payable to SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION.
- Payments can be made by:
- Dropping them off at the Silos Farmhouse Amenity Center at 6450 Silos View, San Antonio, TX in the dropbox at the front door 24/7.
- Mailing them to the address above.
- Please make sure all payments are marked with your business name and MARKET in the memo.
- Cancelations must be made no less than 10 days prior to the event.
- Ex: If event is January 10, cancellations must be made on or before December 31.
- Vendors will be required to fill out a vendor registration form and vendor market contract.
- If a vendor cancels prior to the 10 day cutoff, a refund can be issued via check and mailed from CCMC's corporate office within 60 days of the cancelation.
- Refunds will not be issued if a vendor cancels within 10 days of an event for any reason, including but not limited to emergencies, family obligations, hardships, change of mind, transportation issues, etc.
- No refunds will be issued to a credit or debit card.
- If a vendor cancels their spot within ten (10) days of the first market day event, they will not be eligible for the next market day event (second market day event) unless the re-entry fee is paid. If the re-entry fee is not paid for the second market day event, the vendor will be ineligible for the second market day event and must sit out that event, but will be eligible to participate in the third market day event (vendor will have to skip one market day event between first and third market day events.
- Re-entry fees are an additional $15 on top of the booth rental price.
- No money of any kind or amount will be returned in the case of severe or hazardous weather or any other act of God, there will be no reimbursement of booth/table fee, or any other monies submitted to the SILOS COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION.
We're sorry, registration is currently closed. If you would like to be added to our contact list to be notified of future markets, please click the link below to fill out the contact form.